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        Due to high demand of beads, we are currently placing a MAXIMUM order total of 30 pounds for items being shipped and allowing local pickup orders to purchase up to 50 pounds.

        Customers may place multiple unscented beads listings in their cart but must NOT go over the 30 OR 50 pound limit, depending on shipping/pickup selection at checkout. Should a customer go over the cap, The Freshie Junkie reserves the right to refund the overage amount MINUS 10% restock fee.


        PLEASE NOTE - we are providing tiered pricing to allow customers to receive a wholesale price for bulk purchases. Because of this, aroma beads will NOT be eligible for free shipping. All other items can still qualify, and you will ONLY be charged the shipping price based on bead weight. Depending on the total weight of ALL items in the order, The Freshie Junkie reserves the right to separate orders into different packages, at their discretion.


        We are so excited to begin offering these beads again!!




        FREE SHIPPING - The Freshie Junkie currently offers FREE shipping for orders over $125!! This amazing offer is available to US residents, excluding Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico and other US territories. (Please email us if you need a quote)

        Car Freshie Instruction Guide

        Car Freshie Instruction Guide

        There is a HUGE market for car freshies and we are excited you decided to join in on the fun!! The possibilities are endless with designs, colors, name it. We are grateful you chose The Freshie Junkie to assist you in getting started!

        Items needed but not included in the kit:

        • Convectional, convection or toaster oven
        • Cookie Sheet
        • Roofing nails or screws (to create a hole for hanging)
        • Kitchen scale (to measure out your beads and oil, if using different ratios than what we provide)
        • Twine, elastic string, or other small ribbons for hanging
        • Glass mason jar (for mixing and drying beads)
        • Flimsy paper plate
        • Mini Scoops (sold here)

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        Getting started with the supplies in your kit:

        1. Pour entire bottle of one (1 oz) oil into glass mason jar and 1 (8 oz bag) of unscented beads into the mason jar. Secure the lid and shake well. Be sure all beads have been coated with oil. Based on our research with our beads and oils, an 8:1 ratio is sufficient. Some crafters choose to do 8:2, which is okay, but the beads may take longer to dry.
        2. Remember to shake your mason jar at LEAST twice a day to create air flow among beads and help with drying time.
        3. Once beads are completely dry, you are free to start the freshie making process! This is where the fun begins :)
        4. Take out your paper plate and place the chosen cookie cutter on top. Next, take your selected scent of dried beads and pour into cookie cutter. Do NOT fill up the cutter all the way. You want to only fill it approximately ¾ full.
        5. Next, remove cookie cutter from the plate. Fold the plate like a taco and pour beads into a small Ziploc bag. We suggest sandwich or snack size.
        6. Using your mini scoop, get one scoop full of mica/pigment powder and drop in the Ziploc bag. Zip the bag and shake until all beads are coated. (The amount of mica will need to be adjusted if you will be using more than one color for the same freshie.)
        7. Place your cookie cutter on the cookie sheet. Then, place your screw/nail where you want the hole located for hanging. Pour beads in the cookie cutter and carefully pat/poke at beads to ensure they are filled into all areas of the cutter.
        8. We recommend setting your oven on approximately 320 degrees and cook for 6 minutes; however, EACH OVEN IS DIFFERENT. We are not responsible for any errors due to our suggestion. Play around with your oven settings and learn your oven!
        9. Your freshie is done when the beads stick together. Please note – you do NOT want to overcook your freshie as this effects the look and longevity. If your freshie is smooth on top, it has been overcooked. You want to still be able to see the original bead shape.
        10. Let the freshie sit to cool off. You don’t want it to be completely cooled off, but cool enough to handle. Once cooled, you may remove the freshie from your cutter along with the nail/screw.
        11. Next, feed your desired hanging material through the hole.
        12. You have now completed the freshie making process!!! Give yourself a pat on the back :) If you want to decorate your freshie, you may do so as well. Once fully completed, do NOT forget to place freshie in the bags provided in your starter pack!!



        • Too much mica/pigment can cause your freshie to not cook properly. One full mini scoop is usually accurate for a single color freshie, less if you’re mixing more than one color. Remember – you can always add more mica if need be, but you can’t take it away.
        • If your freshie is under baked in the middle, go ahead and pull it out of the oven. You can then take a blow dryer or heat gun to direct heat on specific areas without overbaking the others.
        • Should you choose to decorate your freshie with cardstock images, those may be glued or baked on.
        • We recommend coloring your beads for each freshie, instead of entire batch.
        • Candle Release Spray or Pam may be used to help freshies come out with ease.


        Be sure to follow our Facebook business page, The Freshie Junkie, for tips, tricks, sales and more!